Thursday, September 17, 2009

Transparency Appears Dim at White House

Okay, my hair is officially in need of a fire extinguisher! It's not enough that the Finance Committee Chairman, Senator Max Baucus, has presented a health care reform package that only a health care insurance company could love; now President Obama has changed his own rules in the middle of his administration. Lord, who do you trust these days? Should we put our trust for real reform with a Senator from Montana who calls himself a Democrat? (NOT) or can we rely on our President who promises transparency at every level at the White House? (NOT). Case in point, I have been doing extensive research regarding Senator Max Baucus and his "gang Of six" regarding the crafting of the Finance Committee's proposal. I had discovered that Jim Messina, Baucus's long time congressional top dog, had been furloughed to the 2008 Obama campaign and then on January 21, 2009, was named Co-Chief of Staff of the White House! It seemed reasonable to call Mr. Messina's office in order to gain additional information. After locating Messina's White House Office phone number (posted later in this blog), as a citizen journalist,under-insured, retired teacher of 64, I felt compelled to call his office. Below is the transcript of my phone conversation:

(Male voice) "White House"
(Aggie..that's me) "Good Morning, could you please connect me to Mr. Messina's office?
(Male Voice, still courteous) "What is this regarding?"
(Aggie) "Well, my name is Aggie Yeakel and I am preparing a Power Point that I would like to send to members of the finance committee. Who are you?"
(Male voice, stammering a bit) "I am a White House operator and we can't do that.... "
(Female voice breaks in very curt) "That office is not can write a letter....."
(Aggie) "May I ask whom I am now speaking to?"
Conversation over.
At that point my call is forwarded to another White House phone number: a recording comes on
(female voice) "If you would like to write a letter to President Obama, please use the following salutation, etc. If you would like to write a letter to Mrs. Michelle Obama, please use the following salutation."
SNAIL MAIL!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? The last time I wrote a letter to a President, I was in high school and I requested information about JFK's campaign. I pushed the red button on my MotoQ smart phone and sat in my small office, stunned. I had just been treated rudely and dismissed by the very public servants who supposedly work for me. I am left thinking, another Obama promise bites the dust! First the single payer plan, next public option and now transparency?
Here is what President Obama pledged in terms of transparency:
Transparency -- President Obama has committed to making his administration the most open and transparent in history, and White will play a major role in delivering on that promise. The President's executive orders and proclamations will be published for everyone to review, and that’s just the beginning of our efforts to provide a window for all Americans into the business of the government. You can also learn about some of the senior leadership in the new administration and about the President’s policy priorities.
Jim Messina
Department: White House
Position: Deputy Chief of Staff ( Appointed )
Age: 39
Childhood State: Montana
Previous State: District of Columbia
Campaigned For in 2008: Obama
Here are the ways to contact President Obama.
The best way to get a message to the President is to contact him at the White House contact page. This is where the White House is directing you to "send questions, comments, concerns or well-wishes to the President or his staff." You can also call the White House Comments Line at 1-202-456-1111 (TTY: 1-202-456-6213) and leave a message.
I would have been grateful to speak to any member of Jim Messina's staff, or given the option to leave a message on Mr. Messina's voice mail.

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